We believe Real Impactful Nutrition should be simple
Buy Our Nutritious Foods!Approved by Nutritionists, Dietitians, Doctors & Customers Like You
Buy Hyper Rice

Rice high in Protein, Fiber AND Vitamins & Minerals! Low in Carbs.

At RealNutriCo, we'll help you get the right quantity of nutrition everyday.
Our Products will help simplify nutrition, ensuring you easily and effortlessly get holistic nutrition everyday.
Our content will help you understand the real nutrition in the food we eat, understand the nutrition actually present in ingredients we use and bust nutrition myths preventing you from getting better nutrition!
So follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our blogs, you'll definitely be surprised by some of the things we share!
RealNutriCo. & your quest for good health
Be Nutri-Conscious to be Health-Conscious
Only adequate Nutrient intake leads to good health. Nothing else.
Good health = the right amount of Protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, fats & carbs everyday.
Not expensive, fancy ingredients, elaborate & complex dishes or weird preservative & additive filled powders, pills or gummies.
But this is not easy to do, isn't it?
At RealNutriCo, we'll help you get the right quantity of nutrition everyday.
Our Products will help simplify nutrition, ensuring you easily and effortlessly get holistic nutrition everyday.
Our content will help you understand the real nutrition in the food we eat, understand the nutrition actually present in ingredients we use and bust nutrition myths preventing you from getting better nutrition!
So follow us on Instagram, and subscribe to our blogs, you'll definitely be surprised by some of the things we share!

Our food products & our content will help you achieve good health through good nutrition. This is a core part of our brand’s DNA:
Real Nutrition, Not an Illusion.
Proper nutrition in every meal
Be Nutri-Conscious to be Health-Conscious
Our food products & our content will help you achieve good health through good nutrition. This is a core part of our brand’s DNA:
Real Nutrition, Not an Illusion.

Easily transform everyday meals into superfoods.
Don’t depend on chemical & additive filed powders, pills & gummies.
Tasty like white rice, more nutritious than millets, quinoa & red rice.
RealNutriCo’s blog
Understand the real nutrition in your food, debunk nutrition lies & myths